
2015-ben hoztuk létre a Bartalos és Társai Ügyvédi Társulást abból a célból, hogy hazai ügyfeleinknek lehető leghatékonyabb és személyre szabott jogi szolgáltatásokat nyújtsuk.

Kötelező cégmódosítás 2016

2014. március 15. napján hatályba lépett az új Polgári Törvénykönyv (Ptk.), amely a gazdasági társaságokra vonatkozó joganyagot is tartalmazza, így érinti az Önök korlátolt felelősségű társaságát is.


The latest addition to the TotalAV security line up is TotalAV RADAR. These devices are actually available in two versions, TotalAV SRT and TotalAV LRX, each featuring a dynamic location capability to increase the security and monitoring functions of your residence and organization.

The TotalAV SRT is built to perform dynamic positioning. As this product is set to follow a great un-manifested orbit since it moves around your home or business, in addition, it offers alerts for un-manifested spaces so that you could take added security actions.

With the TotalAV LRX, you get TotalAV's smart back up system with features this sort of seeing that multi-tasking, automatic backup by a remote location and a trigger to notify you when a new event occurs. These features are especially helpful when there is a power outage or some various other emergency at home or organization. This will inform you if you need to take extra measures to defend your home or perhaps business.

The TotalAV SRT comes with new technologies to generate your home or business more secure. It is about with advanced-scanning capabilities, which in turn allow you to identify unauthorized entries into the home or business.

The TotalAV SRT has an advanced-scanning capability that automatically tests your home or business just for unauthorized gates, windows what is Total AV and other areas that can be tampered with. It also computer monitors each window and door for a period of one year. With this added security, it is possible to screen all access points and not having to call in the experts.

The TotalAV LRX can also monitor any areas that you designate for monitoring. This allows you to hold an eye ball on every area of your home or business. What you just have to do is placed the desired array of zones and events to monitor.

The TotalAV LRX provides you with an email notification that allows you to know any time anything is usually coming through your doors or perhaps windows. With this inform, you can take preventative measures simply by installing securities alarm and reporting the intruder to the authorities. This system also includes a remote wireless house alarms backup lets you contact the remote security centre when you want to.

TotalAV SRTs have an array of options. The TotalAV SRT systems come in standard units and selection in price right from under $100 for the essential units to over $300 meant for the top quality models. Some of the options which you can choose from include the ability to software the device to detect a great intruder, a trigger that allows the company to automatically mail an email for you after an intrusion.

TotalAV SRT allows you to program the place of the device in your home or perhaps business. You can program it to detect the presence of a great intruder, advise you to arsenic intoxication a fire, alert the authorities about a break-in or a robber, or simply provide you with the opportunity to risk-free restock the inventory.

The TotalAV LRX systems can easily also provide you with advanced technology to supply you with important notices in the event of a disaster. With this, you can receive e-mail, text messages and give us a call at alert that can help you determine whether you need to evacuate your home or business.

The TotalAV SRT is also designed with a black and white reliability camera. The cameras that come with the TotalAV SRT can be enhanced with specialist digital camera features, including a night time vision feature.

With TotalAV, you get the most sophisticated technology to help you stop your home or perhaps business out of becoming a focus on for crooks. The product are simple to setup and easy to use.



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 Bartalos József


 Mészáros István Tamás


 Harmat Réka

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